On a Mission-Blog

A Packing We Will Go

We are almost out the door!

Boxes are getting packed and sealed, the house is a mess and final details are being ironed out. Direct Relief International has donated boxes and boxes of medications and Medshare boxes and boxes of supplies. I will post a list of everyone that donated in a later blog-the list is remarkably long and I do not have all the names as of yet.

Eight travelers, 16 big boxes, 8 carry-ons, 8 backpacks and a U-Haul will be departing for SFO Wednesday evening with supplies ranging from something as simple as children's vitamins to antibiotics and IV fluids. Throw in some personal care supplies, construction tools, soccer balls and a myriad of crutches and walkers and our cup runneth over!

Thank you to Ed, Ching, Kay, Marge, Lynn, Mike and Anne for your hours of packing!

The tension of the final days is starting to build but everyone on the team is excited to be on their way. We have learned a few new things in our preparations. Chikungunya is probably one of the more interesting. A mosquito-borne disease it is not as deadly as Dengue. For this I am grateful. 


Keeping the team healthy is always a concern, both during and after any mission and prevention is everything. Everyone has mosquito nets. If you want to make a killing in the stock market, you should probably invest in DEET repellent in the next 12 hours. Team members are taking anti-malaria medications at their own option. Malaria does exist on Panay but it is not as prevalent as Dengue. Which is on the rise. And is more deadly than Chikungunya. 

An introduction to our team:

Pacita Aducayan ,MD
Lynn Farizell, RN
Gerald Jeffries, DDS
Aileen Hayes, RN
Anne Hayes, EMT
Ed Pangilinan, CFO
Matt Riley, Panay Leader
Christine Smith, FNP
Kay Yamagata, Pharmacist

Joining us on Panay:

ATIPAN.org, focuses on human trafficking in Region 6
Rachelle De La Rosario, RN
JJ Samara, DDS and team
Julie Senriches, psychiatrist and team

There are so many that have worked to make this happen, once I have all the names, they will be posted.  Offices include: the governor of the province, mayors, health officials, the University in Iloilo, the Catholic Church, the Dominican sisters in iliolo, the regional emergency co-ordinator and the Military. Please do not consider this list complete!

Keep us in your prayer for safe passage. Father, we thank you for all your moments of mercy as we prepared for this trip. This is not a trip of human dimensions and we ask that you continue to guide us. Amen.