Lima, July 2014

Team Photo
A typical neighborhood, houses clinging to dirt hillsides

Not once did we hear a child cry from Julio's dental work
The Sisters brought us Communion every morning
The Eucharist, it does a soul good!
Sr. Carmen brings a new walker to a patient
The new walker is woefully inadequate to battle the hill between our clinic and her home. Someone called her a cab.

Seeing patients

The reading glasses were a huge hit and vital to the quality of life

The upper dining area, used for Communion Service and supply staging

Another street scene

Folks thought med and supply organization would take just a couple of hours. It was a most-of-the-day affair.
Practitioners and translators bonded and were reluctant to split up should team needs require staffing changes.

The villa had wifi, best access was in the boys' room that became our internet cafe.
The gateway from the living area to the gardens and kitchen

The view from a yard to the living area

Our last day working with the sisters, we were at the convent.

Brown, brown, brown. I wish I could say this photo was touched up to make it look worse than it was.

Our work sites in the district of Ate
Sutter Delta employees re-united
Holy Rosary Parishioners, we are missing Millie!
Translating can be exhausting
Our banner was hung daily
A parade in Lima on our day off
The school surprised us with thank you songs and folkloric dance
Sister Anita, the former superior has named Sr. Carmen to her post at the convent
Natalia, she made sure everything ran smoothly for us in Ate
A poster announcing our work in Ate
Sr. Gabby and Sr. Carmen surprised us with folkloric dance at the convent after our work with them was complete
The colorful village of Pucusana where we spent our last two days
Our last day, we shared space with school children attending class in the back of the large, open aired, covered court
Ultrasound in the field! What a blessing to have definitive diagnoses rather than best guesses!

Blood sugar was too high for our machine to read it. We gave her what we had: IV Fluids, Tums (calcium) and Solambutrol (instead of Albuterol inhaler). BG was 600 before sending her to a 1-room clinic
One picture of the pharmacy does not do it justice!
The view behind a barren hillside in Pucusana
Same hill, different view
Camelot's mom made 150 eyeglass covers that were given away. Thank you!

An empty aspirin bottle repurposed as a nebulizer

Our nebulizer in action!

Team members Camelot and Robin restored hearing to this woman after a vigorous ear lavage