We are at the half-way mark. We have not done any daily calculating but our numbers seem to be averaging 150 a day. An extremely respectable number for a group of our size.
Dr. Gerald Jeffry, our dentist is going great guns with the dental clinic and is pulling far more teeth than he expected. There are so many rotten teeth, even in the little ones, due to so many sweets and sodas being ingested. We hope to have a student nurse back with us tomorrow as Dr. Jeffry will be asking her to begin an education program prior to being seen by him.
Tomorrow is Dr. Pacita Aducayen's last day. She generously closed her practice for a week to come work with us and has been a joy to work with. Level-headed, unflusterable and always patient are tremendous attributes to have on top of being a great clinician. We will miss you Pacita!
Rachelle de la Rosario, an RN from Sutter Delta Medical Center in Antioch, was with us for a few days and hit the ground running. A cursory hello, no introductions and she was unceremoniously put to work and work she did! She took time out of her vacation in the Philippines to join us so thank you Rachelle!
There have been numerous community health workers from the barrios assisting us with our work. Far too many to name but every morning they have registered patients and written down vital signs which makes our work so much easier. Unfortunately, they register far more than we can see so we have established a triage system with an RN "treating and streeting" the minor complaints so that the doctors can focus on the sicker patients. Every patient goes home with something, even if it as simple as a bar of soap or a hotel lotion should they not require medications.
Each barangay has provided us with a mid morning snack, lunch and an afternoon snack. From the homes of the impoverished, we are fed like royalty. Thoughts of losing weight have been cast aside as multiple dishes are prepared and presented. Refusing the presented food is insulting, eating the presented food can be risky but so far, there have been no ill effects and thoughts of illness are quickly cast aside as the food has been delicious.
Please, continue to keep us in your prayers, keep our patients in your prayers, keep those who we are referring in your prayers that they may receive the care that they so desperately need.